To-face or not to-face – that is the question

To-face or not to-face – that is the question The transformative experiment in North East Romania The Regional Development Agency of North East Romania, as part of TeRRItoria, is designing one of the five transformative experiments foreseen by the project. The experiment seeks to develop and adopt a local consultative tool that allows agenda-setting at the … Read more

Recalibrating stakeholder engagement activities in times of social distance

Recalibrating stakeholder engagement activities in times of social distance The TeRRItoria project partners in Central Macedonia were very fond of their old plan of action for how to organise and run their stakeholder meetings but, due the ongoing virus situation, they have had to start arranging for their activities to be online. Initially, the plan … Read more

Survey to substitute meetings to engage civil society

Survey to substitute meetings to engage civil society The Municipality of Gabrovo (Bulgaria) is following the principles of Responsible Research and Innovation to raise the engagement of its local civil society. The process is used in the framework of the formulation of the new Smart Specialisation Strategies for the next programming period 2021-2027. The Municipality is carrying out … Read more

Lessons learned under Lockdown in the Region of Central Macedonia

Lessons learned under Lockdown in the Region of Central Macedonia The TeRRItoria project partners in the Region of Central Macedonia, Greece are working on designing a transformative experiment which will foster improvements in the Gender Equality key of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). This may be achieved by overseeing the implementation of a Gender Equality … Read more

Connecting with less central regions and students, in-person and virtually

Connecting with less central regions and students, in-person and virtually What was planned and how things stand right now For its territorial experiment, Trøndelag will focus on how rural areas can become more appealing places for young people to relocate to in order to reverse the trend of rural depopulation, something which may be called “re-territorialisation”. As … Read more

Lessons Learned under Lockdown in the Municipality of Gabrovo

Lessons Learned under Lockdown in the Municipality of Gabrovo Those responsible for the TeRRItoria transformative experiment in the Municipality of Gabrovo have in mind to co-create something based on the RRI keys of Public Engagement and Science Education. Their original plan involved the planning of 3 bilateral meetings, a writeshop, and a summit. The first … Read more

Situation in the 5 Transformative Experiments

Situation in the 5 Transformative Experiments One of the main goals of TeRRItoria is to contribute to the implementation of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) at regional and territorial level. This will be done with the aim of matching and fusing together the governance of research and innovation strategies with RRI’s multiple keys for societally … Read more