Map of the state of the art of R&I ecosystem in 5 territorial areas

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Map of the state of the art of R&I ecosystem in 5 territorial areas

Within the TeRRItoria project, a map of the state of the art of R&I ecosystem in five territorial areas has been produced. It contains the results of the mapping process of the Research & Innovation ecosystems in the five territories where the transformative experiments of TeRRItoria project will take place: Region of Central Macedonia (Greece), Region of Emilia Romagna (Italy), Region of Trøndelag (Norway), Region of North-East (Romania) and the Municipality of Gabrovo (Bulgaria).

The analyses were done by the five territorial organizations involved in the project on the basis of the available sources and their knowledge. The results present the analyses of the state-of-the-art based on available resources (such as S3 online platform, Regional ecosystem scoreboard and European Cluster Collaboration Platform, etc.) for each experimental region and a coherent picture of the current status of their structure, demographics and local R&I actors has been drawn. Therefore, the current focus of research and innovation in the context of smart specializations for each of the territories is presented. The analyses pinpoint areas of importance in the scope of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). Furthermore, the main factors contributing to the strengths and weaknesses as well as emerging opportunities and threats (SWOT analysis) of the five R&I ecosystems and territories has been included. The performed analyses will be used to aid in the next phase of the project – starting with the design of the transformative experiments.

You can take a look at the map of the state of the art of R&I ecosystem in 5 territorial areas by clicking here.

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