Municipality of Gabrovo: the current state of the art

Municipality of Gabrovo: the current state of the art Gabrovo is a municipality in the North Central region of the Republic of Bulgaria and has almost 71 000 citizens. The political vision of Gabrovo Municipality is to achieve smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and competitiveness, addressing society’s principal challenges. The municipality has developed a main … Read more

How can the introduction of RRI principles enhance the development and implementation of the Smart Specialization Strategy (RIS3)?

Two of the most common problems and related criticisms of the Regional Smart Specialization development process are that a) it can be highjacked by entities/individuals with strong agendas and influence at a local/ regional level (i.e. a dominant industry cluster or a major research institute) and b) it often is a consultation among experts, detached from the concerns of the citizens and society.

North-East Romania: the current state of the art

North-East Romania: the current state of the art The North East Regional Development Agency (North-East RDA) works to stimulate economic development in a region covering the north-eastern part of Romania. Traditionally, this is part of the historical region of Moldova (mainly Western Moldova and Southern Bukovina). The agency is a generator of economic and social … Read more

Trøndelag : the current state of the art

Trøndelag: the current state of the art The Norwegian region participating in TeRRItoria is the County of Trøndelag, represented by Trøndelag County Council. It is part of the middle layer of the three-tiered governance system in Norway. Situated between the national and the municipal level, it has a number of clearly defined responsibilities and the … Read more

Emilia Romagna Region: the current state of the art

Emilia Romagna Region: the current state of the art For its transformative experiment as part of TeRRItoria, the region of Emilia Romagna (Italy) expects to develop a methodology on how to include Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) keys in the formulation of its Regional Strategy for Research and Innovation (RIS3). This will be achieved by … Read more